Hello, I’m Jenille Ramos

As an Integrative Health Coach, my focus and expertise lie in assisting women to optimize their physical and mental resources in order to effectively combat and manage chronic stress. Whether through personalized nutrition, targeted exercise regimes, mindfulness training, or a combination of these and other approaches, my aim is to empower women to take control of their well-being and lead fulfilling, healthy lives.



Chronic stress can negatively impact long-term health, both physically and mentally. Therefore, my clients and I work closely together to create a safe and comfortable space where they can openly discuss their experiences and feelings. Together, we develop a self-directed plan of action to build authentic resilience.

Women often have to be resilient to navigate the challenges of daily life. We take on a lot without always having the time or resources to properly care for ourselves. It's easy to overlook things that contribute to our overall sense of well-being and fulfillment.

To maintain good health and lead a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial to understand how your nervous system works. Your nervous system controls various physical functions in your body, such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion. By learning to identify your body signals, you can regulate these functions to maintain balance and well-being.

This can involve paying attention to physical sensations, such as muscle tension or an increased heart rate, as well as your emotional state, such as stress or anxiety. By recognizing these signals, you can take steps to manage your body’s response to them. Several ways to regulate your nervous system include deep breathing exercises, meditation, physical activity, and getting enough sleep. By making these practices a part of your daily routine, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

Remember that everyone’s nervous system is unique, so it may take time and experimentation to find the best techniques that work for you. As an Integrative Health Coach, my main focus is helping women manage stress and build emotional regulation. Chronic stress can negatively affect long-term health, both physically and mentally. Therefore, I work closely with my clients to create a safe and comfortable space where they can openly discuss their experiences and feelings. Together, we develop a self-directed plan of action to build authentic resilience.




Adapting to stress is crucial because long-term and unmanaged stress can trigger mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, approximately 20% of women experience these conditions every year. In the long run, chronic stress can significantly affect women's physical and mental wellbeing.

When your body is faced with stressful situations, it releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones temporarily increase your body's energy production and put other bodily processes, such as digestion and immune system function, on hold, to prepare you to take action. However, chronic stress occurs when you experience constant and prolonged feelings of stress, which can negatively impact your health if left untreated.

Symptoms of chronic stress can manifest both mentally and physically and can lead to a range of stress-related health issues. These symptoms include decreased energy, trouble sleeping, headaches, irritability, muscle tension, anxiety, and upset stomach, among others. It is essential to recognize the effects of chronic stress on your body and take steps to manage it.

Women may become accustomed to stress, leading to a false sense of resilience that can be challenging to recognize. However, by asking oneself some questions:

  1. - Do you constantly feel worried, irritated, or moody?

  2. Do you feel like you don't have time for enjoyable activities?

  3. Are you often juggling multiple tasks at once?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to take steps to create your solution.

Jenille cares - You can tell that helping others is a real passion for her - not just a business. Her genuineness and openness made the whole process very enjoyable and satisfying.
— Satisfied Client